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    Welcome to

    Auto Comms & Control

    Specialists in Generator Control and suppliers of generator components to OEM’s.
    We are the sole agents for SMARTGEN, AISIKAI, ALPHA and ENGGA in Southern Africa.

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    Generator Spares and Power Generation Products

    Our many years of experience in the Generator Industry allows us to offer advice and assistance in
    every aspect of generator manufacturing and commissioning.

Generator Synchronising

The Smartgen HGM95XX series controllers allow synchronisation of multiple gensets. These intelligent controllers allow the user to edit parameters from the front face while the generators are running to ensure all generators are running in perfect synchronous. With presets like Load Takeover and Peak Lopping, these controllers can be customized for any application.

Generator Cloud Monitoring Solution

The Smartgen CMM366A modules enable users to connect their generator controllers to the mobile app or web application. This allows for remote control and monitoring of the generator from anywhere at any time.

Generator Synchronous Alternators

AC&C provides a comprehensive selection of alternators, encompassing sizes from 8.1kVA to 2mVA. We serve as authorized agents for ALPHA and ENGGA alternators, all of which boast exceptional craftsmanship at highly competitive pricing.

Battery Management System Integration

The Smartgen controllers integrate with various inverter systems to automate battery charging. When the batteries reach a predetermined State of Charge (SOC) percentage, the generator is automatically started to begin charging. Once the batteries are sufficiently charged, the controllers safely shut off the generator.

Renewable Energy Integration

Smartgen provides hardware that allows users to connect generators, mains supply, and renewable energy sources (such as PV, hydro, and wind) seamlessly. This advanced hardware offers extensive customization options to meet the specific needs of any application.

Automotive Diagnostics tools

Our TOPDON product range enables technicians to efficiently and promptly diagnose automotive issues, from battery assessments to onboard computer diagnostics, utilizing battery testers, diagnostic tools, and key coders. In addition, we provide jump starters and battery chargers.


About Us

Auto Comms & Control is your One Stop Generator Shop. We pride ourselves on being a supplier of Premium Generator Control Systems and integration of all possible generator needs. While we understand that generators are generally classed as a “grudge purchase” forced upon many individuals and companies, we also realise the need to supply only the best quality products to meet every customer’s budget and actual requirements. We pride ourselves on quality workmanship and service excellence with special attention to detail in every aspect of power generation to ensure safe, reliable and cost-effective power generation. Our roots stem from AMC CEMA, providing us with over five decades’ of industry knowledge and experience.

Latest Products

Our most recent products

Below are some of our most recent products, for a full list of our product range please have a look at our shop with the link below.

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Give us a shout!

Our AC&C stores can be found in Gauteng, Western Cape, Kwa-Zulu Natal and Pretoria, but are by no means limited to business in these local areas. We have worked on many projects throughout Southern Africa and our neighbouring countries and have supplied generator related products to virtually every generator manufacturer in Southern Africa.

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